One powerful system for managing your projects
Calculations, hours, project costs & planning, with a FileMaker system you get more grip on your company.
Software for your infrastructure companies?
Contact Kempen Automatisering, we strive to answer each question within 24 hours on weekdays.
More insight into your projects by simply bringing together your purchasing, materials, raw materials & hours of external and internal employees.
Powerful time registration & document management on the iPad for easy mobile use. Simple interfaces for in the field, advanced complex reports & dashboards for the controllers & administration department.
Enter purchase orders quicker in your projects by using smart tools that automatically import attachments from your inbox. Never again a purchase order that is not booked on a project.
Consult your system in the FileMaker cloud or in own management, easily and everywhere.
Whether you work on Mac, Windows or on the iPad, log right in.
Missing features that you would like to register? FileMaker offers far-reaching customization options.
Integrate your FileMaker solution with existing systems and prevent double work and errors.
PCO infra has been working for the government and public sector for years. With the clients request as a starting point: from design to realization. PCO.infra carries out your assignment in-house, with its own skilled people and equipment, from a contemporary office and business space.
Determine, per employee, job group or partner company what users get to see and what he or she can add & change.
Our specialists guide you through the implementation of a new FileMaker system, which means that your company benefits optimally from your investment.
Kempen Automatisering only has Senior developers, who are permanently employed, with more than 10 years experience, working on your project.
Dedicated project manager who translates your issues into technical solutions.
Kempen Automatiserings software supports PCO.infra from designing lighting plans, installing lighting towers, installing camera systems and complete cabling up to and including underground and above-ground infrastructure and traffic control systems inside and outside the city.
PCO.infra supplies all soft- and hardware on a project basis or from management and maintenance contracts. Satisfied clients after successful projects throughout the Netherlands prove that customers have justified confidence in PCO.infra.
Where previously the information on light poles, control boxes, faults and documents were scattered over various unstructured data sources within different parties.
Kempen Automatisering has, in cooperation with PCO.infra, created a platform where:
• Employees can find the correct data directly on location via a user-friendly iPad app.
• Employees in the office can follow the status of faults and immediately receive photos of the situation in the field.
• Clients can follow the status of faults at the municipality, via an online dashboard.
With a continuously growing group of customers, Kempen Automatisering has the following customers in the infra and GWW field.